Thursday, April 05, 2007

My First Day with Margaurite

This was my first day with Margaurite. I made a couch for her. I set up her house under the chair. I liked Margaurite because she came from my school and I don't get to see her all the time. She comes with a frigerator. She comes with clothes and some hats. She comes with a bed and a blanket and pajamas. I put her pajamas on. I wonder where Teacher Sandi got all that stuff. I wrote a story about Margaurite going into space with me. I can't tell the whole story because it's too long in this little page and the blog is too small to write all the words. I'll paste the story into the next post.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved your story about Margaurite. You are a wonderful story-teller. Maybe some day you'll write a whole book! Can you tell me more about Marguarite? I'm not sure I know what she looks like. Hugs,
G'ma Mingy

11:55 AM, April 07, 2007  
Blogger Jacksons said...

Margaurite has no legs. Of course you know that M. has a tail and ears and a nose. M. is a mouse. She is grey. I got her from school. She doesn't have whiskers. See you tonight!

2:58 PM, April 07, 2007  
Blogger The Hammonds Family said...


Greetings from the Hammonds in Hong Kong! We hope you continue to enjoy time with Margaurite! You are quite a story teller.... We love stories too!

Hey, did you have a Happy Easter? We had fun here in Hong Kong. Do you remember Hong Kong?

We will write again soon!

Love, the Hammonds

2:42 AM, April 09, 2007  

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