Monday, May 07, 2007

Fish and Tulips

My picture of the fish is very funny. I think it's very funny because fish don't usually have little antennas on their nostrils. I saw the fish at the Japanese Garden.

We went to the tulips with Popo and Grandad. I saw the windmill and the tulips and I saw grass. They were in the place where we saw them because it was a tulip garden and a place where there was a little store. It was a tulip farm where they selled tulips.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

My Popo's Apple

My Popo made this apple because we read a story that was about lots of vegetables and fruits that had faces. It was called How Are You Peeling? Foods with Moods. She made it with cashew nuts, rotten cashew nuts and an apple with a funny shaped stem. It had a smile and two eyes and Popo drawed marker eyes on the cashews to make the eyeballs. It was really fun. I think you should have a Popo like mine.